Murray Landcare

Landcare Enabling Program in the Murray Region

Through the NSW Landcare Enabling program from 2023-2027, there are 2 Regional Landcare Coordinators and 9 Local Landcare Coordinators employed across 5 different host organisations within the Murray region empowering and supporting landcare.

The NSW Landcare Enabling Program (2023-2027) is a collaborative initiative of Landcare NSW and Local Land Services empowering Landcarers to take action on local problems and deliver outcomes that address local and regional issues. The program is a continuation of the long-standing successful partnership that exists between the two organisations.

Regional and Local Landcare Coordinators are the backbone of the Program, building the capacity of Landcarers to participate in on ground actions, sharing resources and knowledge, fostering efficient and flexible responses to current issues, and supporting the coordination of local and regional activates and partnerships.


Murray Landcare Coordinators

Regional Landcare Coordinators (RLC)

Paula Sheehan

Regional Landcare Coordinator – East

Holbrook Landcare Network

[email protected]

Sandy Dellwo

Regional Landcare Coordinator – West

Holbrook Landcare Network

Local Landcare Coordinators (LLC)

Tahlia Stewart

Local Landcare Coordinator – Tooleybuc

Western Murray Land Improvement Group

[email protected]


Roger Knight

Local Landcare Coordinator – Barham

Western Murray Land Improvement Group

[email protected]


Janet Manzin

Local Landcare Coordinator – Deniliquin

Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia

[email protected] 


Felicity Liphuyzen

Local Landcare Coordinator – Berrigan

Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia

[email protected]


Claire Birch

Local Landcare Coordinator – Corowa

Corowa District Landcare

[email protected]


Kathie Le Busque

Local Landcare Coordinator – Burrumbuttock

West Hume Landcare

[email protected] 


Paula Sheehan

Local Landcare Coordinator – Albury

West Hume Landcare

[email protected]


Rachael Daniel

Local Landcare Coordinator – Holbrook

Holbrook Landcare Network

[email protected] 


Kylie Durant

Local Landcare Coordinator – Holbrook

Holbrook Landcare Network

[email protected]