Meet our committee members
Murray Regional Landcare Inc. is an internal Landcare NSW construct for the purposes of membership and State Advisory Council representation.
Murray Regional Landcare Inc. does not operate to manage regional funding or represent the region to any one other than Landcare NSW. Landcare NSW requires incorporated regional bodies to exist for communicating within Landcare NSW and its member groups.
Member groups of Murray Regional Landcare Inc. are listed alphabetically
Meet our committee members
Holbrook Landcare Network is the administrative host of MRL Inc for 2022/2023 and 2023/2024.
This role is voted by the MRLInc members.
Alison Southwell is the CEO of Holbrook Landcare Network and Secretary of MRLInc
Position funded through the NSW Landcare Program.
The RLC provides support for MRLInc committee members and the Landcare NSW State Advisor Council Murray representative.
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