Murray Landcare

Next meeting: Wednesday 31 July 2024 in Berrigan Sports Ground – Hosted by Ricegrowers Association. Time: 10am – 3pm.  

*There may also be a zoom teleconference option, dependent upon venue set-up.

Agenda emailed out close to meeting time – to get on the mailing list go to the Contact tab or email: [email protected]

Past Meetings

7 February 2024 Wednesday – Online. Time: 1.30-3.30pm

22 February 2023 Wednesday – Tocumwal Golf Club – Hosted by WMLIG. Time: 10-3pm
No meeting in July – we were all too busy
17 October 2023 Wednesday – Finley RSC – Hosted by YACTAC Inc. Time: 9:30-11:30am. Included Murray Regional Landcare Inc AGM at 3pm.

23rd February 2022 Wednesday – Online (Zoom) – Hosted by Western Murray LIG Inc. Time: 10-3pm
22nd June 2022 Wednesday – Urana – Hosted by Corowa District Landcare. Time: 10-3pm
26th October 2022 Wednesday – Online (Zoom) – Hosted by Holbrook Landcare Time: 9:30-11:30am


17th February 2021 Wednesday – Deniliquin Golf Club – Hosted by RGA. Time: 10-3pm
21st July 2021 Wednesday – Online – Hosted by Corowa District Landcare. Time: 10-3pm
13th October 2021 Wednesday – Online – Hosted by YACTAC Inc. Time: 10-3pm




2022 Urana Murray Landcare Collective meeting