Murray Landcare Collective is actively working to increase Landcare awareness and understanding of living and working in a cultural landscape and to better incorporate First Nation’s Peoples engagement into Landcare projects and activities across the Murray region.

Aunty Jeanette Crew OAM is our Regional Cultural Mentor and Chair of Yarkuwa Indigenous Knowledge Centre (based in Deniliquin). Aunty Jeanette supports the Landcare Coordinators and Murray Landcare Collective to embed First Nation’s Peoples’ cultural values and participation in landcare through supporting collaboration and commitment in developing a relationship with the land informed by traditional values and practices and Caring for Country.
Uncle David Dunn (Done by Dunn Art) works closely with landcare and schools to share Wiradjuri art, language and culture.
Respect, Recognition, Inclusion, Participation and Partnership.
Reimaging engagement and consultation – building partnerships – Connecting communities – Increasing opportunities
Encouraging non-First Nations People to begin their journey of discovery of culture and connection to country through reconciliation and recognition of our history and vision of the future